Day 32 and 33 - How to Achieve Balance

Day 32 and 33 - How to Achieve Balance

We feel out of balance when life is chaotic and unbalanced around us. People, events, and situations distract us from reality and battle for our attention. When we allow ourselves to get distracted and pulled away from what we want to do it creates an imbalance state within us.

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Day 24: Seeing the Light in Dark Times

Day 24: Seeing the Light in Dark Times

With two more weeks of quarantine left in Hawaii, it can sometimes be hard to stay upbeat and positive. Sometimes I feel strong, peaceful, content, and optimistic about the future and other times I feel sad about two more weeks of isolation. So i’ve made a list of some of the positive things that have happened in the world since Covid-19.

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Day 18 - Don’t let your brain control you; You are in charge of your brain!

Day 18 - Don’t let your brain control you; You are in charge of your brain!

Ponder this: “Your mind is powerful!” If we have the ability to make choices that impact our lives, the lives of those around us, and ultimately the world! Do you have a responsibility to control your thoughts and reactions?

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Day 6: Taking Care of Your Body

Day 6: Taking Care of Your Body

Resistance training has been shown to reduce systemic inflammation, yoga is excellent at reducing stress and anxiety and may reduce inflammation, and moderate cardio workouts such as walking, jogging, hiking and swimming as we all know are great ways to fight inflammation. You can’t see inflammation, but it may slowly damaging your body over the long-term and it is definitely not making you more beautiful inside and out!

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Day 3 of Quarantine Journey: What it Means To Simplify

Day 3 of Quarantine Journey: What it Means To Simplify

Step # 4 in our journey to a never seen beauty within. Connect with your Higher Power challenge! I am not talking about religion, I am talking about spending at least 10 minutes a day, perhaps during your Miracle Morning, being thankful, praying for those you love and checking in with you emotions, asking questions, just being real. You will be surprised how much more connected you will feel on this path to realizing- YOU ARE A MASTERPIECE!

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