Day 3 of Quarantine Journey: What it Means To Simplify
/What were you thankful for today? What brings you joy?
Hawaii’s state flower, the Red Hibiscus, growing outside of my bedroom window.
This morning, I looked outside my window and was thankful for the beautiful Red and Bright Yellow Hibiscus growing in my yard. These magnificent creatures continue to bring joy to me daily regardless of circumstances. Take a moment to check in with yourself and think of what you are thankful for today.
Simplify your life
I have a decorative plaque in my home that reads “Simplify” for over 10 years. I purchased this plaque during a very hectic overwhelming time in my life - I was a single mother with two teenage girls still at home and I was going through an intense graduate program. I put the plaque in my office and would look at it throughout the day while I studied, dreaming of the day my life would be “simple.” At that time, I thought “simple” meant no clutter, no bills, plenty of money, a peaceful job and relaxed days off.
After graduating with my doctorate, I thought “alright, now my life is going to be simple!” I moved from Idaho to Hawaii and within a couple years of moving, I started my own business (not one business but two, a medical dermatology practice and a Medical Spa). I created a life that was anything but simple. “Simplify” continued to sit on the window seal of my bedroom, staring at me daily. At one point I stared at that “Simplify” plaque back and thought “who am I kidding, I am just going to throw away this plaque. Simplifying is not going to happen for me”. However, I did not throw away the plaque and I left it sitting where I could see it every day.
What it really means to “simplify”
During a Miracle Morning time of meditation, prayer and reading, the reason I still had the “Simplify” plaque was revealed to me. For the last 10 years, I was being guided towards a revelation and I didn’t even know it!
SIMPLIFY is not that you have nothing going on in your life, in fact you could have what appears to be an extremely busy and overwhelming life.
“Simplify” is the peace within and the combined lack of feeling chaotic inside!
How do we have peace within?
By knowing deep within our cores, you are the universe’s love child, you are a masterpiece, a reflection of a Higher Power! This is Beauty in its Simplest Form.
Step # 4 in our journey to a never seen beauty within.
Connect with your Higher Power challenge!
I am not talking about religion, I am talking about spending at least 10 minutes a day, perhaps during your Miracle Morning, being thankful, praying for those you love and checking in with you emotions, asking questions, just being real. You will be surprised how much more connected you will feel on this path to realizing- YOU ARE A MASTERPIECE!