Day 32 and 33 - How to Achieve Balance

Yesterday after writing my blog about The Value of Family and Friends, I took my own advice and reached out to a friend to go on a walk with me this morning. Wow, how wonderful to spend time with someone like minded and wise! We talked and talked, and in the end we realized that both of us have been struggling with BALANCE!

Balance is about bringing your life into harmony. 

Gustavo Razzetti in his blog “How to Lead a Well Balanced Life” says “Balance is not something we get; it's a state of mind”. We always think we are going to “get our life into balance”, (balance used as a noun). I have said many times, “I want balance in my life”, I am trying to achieve balance”. 


Let's look at balance as a verb rather than a noun. Albert Einstein said, “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance. You must keep moving.” We can do all kinds of planning and goal setting  but as we have said in past blogs - it never fails, something always comes up and throws us out of balance. Balance is forever elusive! The more we chase after achieving balance the more it seems to be unattainable. That is because balance is not an ultimate goal we can one time achieve, we have to day by day balance life. In order to do this we need to roll with the punches and adapt to life’s circumstances along the way.  


Balance is Found Within


We feel out of balance when life is chaotic and unbalanced around us. People, events, and situations distract us from reality and battle for our attention. When we allow ourselves to get distracted and pulled away from what we want to do it creates an imbalance state within us. 


Achieving balance is found with a change in our mindset. Moments in life ebb and flow, there are good and bad moments. However in reality, when we look closely, the moment is only NOW. The past only exists when we put the energy into remembering it, and the future exists only when you anticipate it. Balance is not found in planning out our time or devoting our time to such and such. We are balanced when we are enjoying what we are doing in the NOW! It is in that present moment that harmony is found. 


Don’t be like me. A year ago my daughter planned a birthday weekend to whisk me away from work and all it’s responsibilities. It was so difficult for me not to be distracted by what needed to be done at the office. Looking back I recognize that I didn’t fully enjoy the now, I was stuck in a state of anticipating the future which wasn’t even real! I willingly gave up the opportunity to achieve a state of balance! 


“We don’t need to strive towards balance, we rather need to work on the obstacles that are preventing the natural flow of balance.” ― A.A. Alebraheem


How do we work on the obstacles preventing the natural flow of balance? 

  1. Recognize no one else can achieve balance for you. Balance comes from within, it is a mindset! If something is bothering you, ask yourself why?

  2. Choose to Stay in the NOW

  3. Get rid of any perfectionistic ideas. Our efforts at balancing life will never be perfect but we should always be moving forward.

  4. Seek balance in the long term not in every instance.

  5. Prioritize your activities. I have been reading a great book “The One Thing” by Gary Keller. It helps prioritize tasks so we can let go of unnecessary tasks. 

  6. Remember to start with the Miracle Morning (Hal Elrod’s book). Be thankful, Meditate, connect with your Higher Power, stay mindful and BREATH!

  7. Maintain your Well-Being. Exercise at least 30 minutes a day, Be mindful when you eat, Eat healthy foods, and enjoy family and friends. Don’t get caught up in stress and anxiety. 


Day 33 - Keep Sunday Holy

Rest from the news, give your mind, soul and spirit a rest! 

See you Monday!