Vitamin Shots

Looking good is all about feeling good first. Achieving peak health relies on a number of factors like exercise, food and water, and getting enough sleep. Feeling our best requires a steady intake of healthy vitamins and nutrients.

A great way to make sure your body is getting these much needed nutrients is with weekly vitamin shots. Here are are offerings that can be purchased one at a time or in a series of 4:

Vitamin B12 Shot ($28 or series of 4 for $104)

  • Weight loss

  • Increased energy

  • Decreased stress and irritability

  • Immune system support

Fat Burner Shot ($45 or series of 4 for $160)

  • Alleviate Stress

  • Jumpstart your metabolism

  • Nourish your liver

  • Boost energy


We believe a new and beautiful you needs to start from the inside out. Feel free to browse some of our recommended beauty supplements on Fullscript for healthy, vibrant and glowing skin, hair and nails!