Water: An Essential Building Block of Life

Aloha Koru followers.

Today I want to talk to you about the importance of drinking water.

Water: An Essential Building Block of Life


Did you know that up to 60% of the human body is water? It is an essential building block of our body, and a vital nutrient to our cells. Water is the main ingredient of the bodily fluids that aid in digestion, absorption and transportation of nutrients, help circulation, maintain our body temperature, form saliva, and lubricate joints. So, staying hydrated is a necessity for your overall health.

Water and Your Skin

Your skin is the largest organ in your body. And like all organs, it is made of thousands of cells that are mostly made up of water. Without the proper hydration to your skin, not only will your skin appear dry, tight, and flaky, it will also be more prone to aging. 

Some skin benefits that you'll see from staying properly hydrated throughout the day are:

  1. Less wrinkles. Water helps you maintain elasticity in your skin, which in turn helps reduce the amount of fine line and wrinkles

  2. Reduction of swelling. Our body retains water when it wants to protect us from dehydration. 

  3. Balance pH of the skin. Maintaining a healthy pH (level of acidity) on your skin can help your skin be blemish-fee. 

Although drinking the recommended 8 glasses of water a day will do wonders for your skin and overall health, we need much more than that. Large amounts of water are lost everyday through our skin via sweat. Also, our skin is the last organ of the body to be hydrated by the water we consume. So, it's important that we apply water to skin and keep it there. 

Moisture and your skincare routine

The best way to add water to your skin is through moisturizers. Luckily, we have some great products in our online store to help you stay moisturized. It is best to apply hydrating serums and moisturizers within 2 minutes of leaving the shower or washing your face. Our skin is more porous after this time, and allows for better absorption of products.

First apply hyaluronic acid, I recommend Rainforest Hydrating Serum, prior to your moisturizer. Hyaluronic acid attracts water to the skin and keeps it there by strengthening your skin barrier. After applying your Rainforest serum, apply your moisturizers, I recommend Kahu Age Defying Complex or Moonlight Restorative Night Cream. By drinking the recommended amount of water and using our products to keep hydration in our skin, we can develop that beautiful glow!

Today's challenge:

Today's challenge has two parts:

  1. Every morning, start your day with a glass of water. What I have found best is to keep a full glass of water near my bedside or a full water bottle. 

  2. Also, put in the effort to drink 8 glasses or a gallon of water a day. The best way is to always have your water bottle near you, and if you don't have one I recommend a large BPA free bottle like Hydroflask :) Remember, if you feel thirsty, you are already dehydrated. So, remember to drink water throughout the day. 


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