Quarantine: A Time to Reset
/Come with me on a journey down a path to a never before seen beauty. A beauty so amazing you will gladly look forward to spending quality time with yourself.
Today I was going to continue talking about our physical bodies in regards to inner and outer beauty. Instead, I am going to get real with you.
So let's get real.
Yesterday was rough- in fact, the last couple days were! It is now April, and like many of you, I spent my last couple days paying bills and looking at financial projections for the next couple of months, In addition, I had to get serious about making plans in case we can’t open our doors. The last couple days with the new CARES Act, I scrambled to get all required documents in order. I made the difficult decision to furlough most of my amazing staff until we can open our doors again. This truly breaks my heart, they are not just staff, they are my family and my social life. They are wonderful people to spend time with. I found myself in tears as I thought about the hours I will spend alone in the office doing telemedicine and dealing with the business paperwork.
Stuff is just stuff.
Thank goodness clarity and joy comes in the morning! During my Miracle Morning of meditation, prayer and reading I came across some Inspirational Selections in “Oneness With All Life” a complimentary devotional book for Eckhart Tolle’s book “A New Earth”, there it was, the possible meaning to all this:
This is a time to slow down so we can reset, a time to get back to what is important.
A time when the Universe is telling all of us, this STUFF we all thought was so important is just STUFF. Quit running around like crazy people always striving for more STUFF.
God has been knocking at our door for years! The problem was we either didn’t take the time to stop and open the door; or because of all the noise and clatter of humanity, we were not able to hear the quiet knocking at our heart’s door telling us to slow down and be at peace with the universe. I almost think humanity is being forced to RESET!
Eckhart Tolle says “If you resist what happens, you are at the mercy of what happens, and the world will determine your happiness and unhappiness.”
It brings me great joy to see my friends and family on Facebook planting gardens with their children, hiking with their children, and working on projects around the house as a family. I personally have enjoyed the opportunity to talk and FaceTime more with my children in New Zealand and to talk with my elderly mom and old friends. People are spending time walking their dogs in their neighborhoods, reading, and just sitting alone in quiet peace.
With that all being said, I have decided to join the rest of the world and RESET!
I am still open for a few telemedicine visits during the week. However, I am going to take this opportunity to be by myself in my beautiful home, to be quiet, quiet enough that I can hear that still small voice.
Step #11 in our journey down a path of never before seen beauty
RESET- Make sure you are not filling these precious days that have been given to you with STUFF. Take the time to get still and listen for the still small voice that wants to speak to you.
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