The Koru Teams Shares Gratitude


koru and island dermatology staff share what they are grateful for

In honor of National Gratitude Month and Thanksgiving, we asked the Koru Medical Spa and Island Dermatology team to share what they are grateful for.

Here’s what they shared:

I am grateful for the husband God has blessed me with and the opportunity for us to live here and explore this beautiful Aina. I’m also thankful for all of the beautiful ladies I get to work with at Island Dermatology and Koru Medical Spa, and for our clients and patients that trust us with their care
— Emily, PA

Emily, PA

I am grateful for the husband God has blessed me with and the opportunity for us to live here and explore this beautiful Aina. I’m also thankful for all of the beautiful ladies I get to work with at Island Dermatology and Koru Medical Spa, and for our clients and patients that trust us with their care.

I’m so grateful for the best husband that I get to call my best friend and the opportunity to live on this stunningly beautiful island.
— Sierra, Guest Relations

Sierra, Guest Relations

I'm so grateful for the best husband that I get to call my best friend and the opportunity to live on this stunningly beautiful island.

I am grateful my family and friends are happy and flourishing. I feel blessed to live in Hawaii and have everything I could possibly need.
— Peggy, Registered Nurse & Medical Aesthetician

Peggy, RN & Licensed Aesthetician

I am grateful my family and friends are happy and flourishing. I feel blessed to live in Hawaii and have everything I could possibly need.

I am grateful to be able to travel again and visit loved ones.
— Tiara, Licensed Aesthetician

Tiara, Licensed Aesthetician

I am grateful to be able to travel again and visit loved ones.

I am grateful for the way the Earth nourishes us mentally and physically, for my loved ones, and for the wonderful opportunity to enjoy this beautiful and creative life.
— Emma, Marketing

Emma, Marketing

I am grateful for the way the Earth nourishes us mentally and physically, for my loved ones, and for the wonderful opportunity to enjoy this beautiful and creative life.

I am grateful for my other half, Kevin, who surprised me with a date where we dove with the beautiful manta rays.
— Anne, Island Dermatology Guest Relations

Anne, Guest Relations

I am grateful for my other half, Kevin, who surprised me with a date where we dove with the beautiful manta rays.

I am grateful for my family.
— Summer, Island Dermatology
Thankful for my family, my friends, my community & definitely my son Finn.
— Talexi, Island Dermatology Medical Assistant

Talexi, MA

“Thankful for my family, my friends, my community & definitely my son Finn.”

I’m extremely thankful, grateful, and blessed to be able to live a beautiful life with those I hold close to my heart, and for the opportunity to help others, and help the world become a better and brighter place.
— Naveah, Licensed Aesthetician

Naveah, Licensed Aesthetican

I'm extremely thankful, grateful, and blessed to be able to live a beautiful life with those I hold close to my heart, and for the opportunity to help others, and help the world become a better and brighter place.

I am grateful for my sisters. All the love, laughs, and advice (solicited or not) they bring into my life.
— Maili, Office Manager

Maili, Office Manager

“I am grateful for my sisters. All the love, laughs, and advice (solicited or not) they bring into my life.”

I’m grateful to watch my girls grow up as sweet as can be and all the lessons, fun and challenging, that come with motherhood.
— Julia, Marketing

Julia, Marketing

“I’m grateful to watch my girls grow up as sweet as can be and all the lessons, fun and challenging, that come with motherhood.”

Grateful for everyday I get to spend on this beautiful island and all the people that make it so special.
— Stephanie, ND & Licensed Aesthetician

Stephanie, ND, Licensed Aesthetician

“Grateful for everyday I get to spend on this beautiful island and all the people that make it so special.”

I am grateful for such beautiful grandsons
— Shellie, DCNP, NP

Shellie, DCNP, RN

“I am grateful for such beautiful grandsons.”


The meaning of Gratitude:

Gratitude is a helpful practice in all aspects of life. Practicing Gratitude is about focusing on what's positive in life and being thankful and appreciative of what we have.

Gratitude is pausing to notice and appreciate the things that we often take for granted, like having a place to live, community, food, clean water, friends, family, and the our surroundings.

Here are some benefits of practicing Gratitude:

  • Improves self-esteem.

  • Improves energy and health.

  • It makes us happier and more optimistic about life.

  • It helps to be more resilient and get through tough times with a positive outlook.

  • It promotes generosity and forgiveness.

  • Keeps you living within the present moment.

  • Makes you happier and more thankful.

  • Lowers stress, anxiety and overthinking.

What are some ways that you can practice Gratitude in your life?

Implementing a Gratitude practice is one of the most beneficial things you can do within a self care routine. Try starting a Gratitude Journal where you list 3 things you are grateful for each day. Challenge yourself to focus on the good in every situation and to show gratitude to those around you. Show gratitude to yourself by implementing a self care routine into your daily life. Let yourself know how much you truly LOVE yourself.

There is so much to be grateful for.