Day 37: The Journey Doesn't Stop Here!


Day 37 - The journey doesn't stop here!

This journey I have been on with Koru members, followers and supporters, was not something that just came to me 37 days ago when we were placed in quarantine for COVID-19. I believe it was inspired by a beautiful lady that I know from church who gave me a prophetic message back in July 2017. I really didn’t do much with the prophecy at the time; actually I tucked it away in my Bible, never to look at it until “such a time as this”. 

At the time she gave me this message, I was in a transition both in my personal life and my career. I started Koru soon after I received the message, not actually even consciously thinking about the prophecy. However, the prophecy planted a seed in my heart. I believe my tag line “A new and beautiful you” was unconsciously, inspired from this prophecy. I believe the prophecy was not only meant for me but it was meant to be passed on to others to inspire them to discover their own beauty within. 

The message said this:

“God is going to bring you into a season of never before seen beauty. Beauty so fresh and radiant and captivating you will want to spend time with yourself gladly like never before. A joy of self discovery in the Lord.”

I pray that these last 37 days during the Coronavirus quarantine period has been a time of self discovery for you. I pray that you feel a little more comfortable with yourself, that you are loving yourself, and that you have experienced a beauty that is far more than skin deep!

On this 37 day journey in quarantine, I have had days that I have felt completely on top of it! And I have had days that I wasn’t holding it together as well as I probably should have; there were days I was preaching to the choir as I wrote these blogs.

But you know what? I believe it’s okay that I had some days I was not as strong or overcoming life the way I should. On this journey, I have learned to have grace and love for myself, to embrace the Shellie that conquers and the Shellie that falls short, they are both beautiful Shellie’s

What have I discovered in myself? And how do I reset?

  1. I do best when I practice the Miracle Morning (Hal Elrod). It definitely sets the direction, pace, and attitude for the day. 

  2. Thankfulness and gratitude really does turn my attitude, my thoughts, and pretty much everything into a positive light. So that being said, it is super important to start and end my day in thankfulness!

  3. Simplicity is not about downsizing, it is about being in a peaceful state and living in the NOW no matter what is happening around me. 

  4. Just Stopping and taking a deep breath helps me reset and puts me in a place of peace.

  5. Connecting throughout the day with my Higher Power allows for LOVE to spring up and flow like a river in and through me.

  6. I absolutely need to keep one day a week HOLY and disconnect from the chaos. 

  7. I need to spend time in Nature and to take it in with all my senses. 

  8. My thoughts are powerful and can change my brain and DNA, and change the lives of others as well. I am not a victim of my thoughts. I can control my thoughts and bring them into submission to the truth. 

  9. I need to remember to be mindful about eating, about being in the NOW. And when being mindful I need to fully embrace the moment and enjoy it to the fullest!

  10. Daily Exercise and eating a healthy diet definitely helps me stay on track, physically, spiritually and psychologically. 

  11. I need to make myself a priority and stay true to myself - don’t compromise, be natural, and live the life God created for me. I need to learn to set boundaries and to say no. 

I hope this journey has been beneficial to you! I pray you have discovered beauty within yourself that is so radiant and captivating that you want to spend time with and on yourself gladly. 

Here's my gift to you for completing 37 days with me: 20% off all products online!

Use the special code made for you JOURNEY20 in your checkout to redeem this offer*

When life gets back to the pre-COVID state, don’t forget the things you have learned about yourself. You are unique, you are a child of the CREATOR, A REFLECTION OF The Creator’s LOVE. 

Please stop by Koru Medical Spa and say HI when you are in Kailua Kona. 

I would love you to sign up for our mailing list at / friend us on FaceBook and Instagram so we can stay in touch. 

A Hui Hou! 

Dr. Shellie

*Offer expires on May 9th, 2020 (in one week!)

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