Koru Medical Spa August Specials


Claim your healthy skin with our August Specials

As the end of summer nears, we reflect on all of the wonderful days frolicking in the sun, the memories we have made with friends and family, and the time off before going “back to school.”

Reflecting on memories and experiences is common as seasons come to an end, but what about reflecting and checking in with our skin health?

This month at Koru Medical Spa is all about checking in with our skin as Autumn nears, erasing summer sun damage, and clearing up unwanted acne. These specials will help you enter into the next season with beautiful healthy skin.


20% off ALL Skin Peels

That’s right! We are offering 20% off all of our skin peels (chemical peels) including our premium VI Peels.

Skin Peels are an incredible treatment that help get rid of sun damage, acne, hyperpigmentation, rosacea, fine lines and wrinkles and improve skin texture.

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Get a series four B12 injections for only $80

Nourish the skin and body from within with a series of four nourishing B12 injections.

B12 is an essential vitamin for optimal health. B12 shots help to boost the metabolism, immunity, energy, mood, and concentration. B12 injections are particularly helpful for those who need a little extra B12, like vegans and vegetarians, or are looking to boost their metabolism and cognitive function.


Clear skin with 20% off Moana Body Wash

Feel confident in your skin and clear back acne and chest acne with Moana Body Wash.

Made with powerful botanicals and acne-fighting benzoyl peroxide, it helps to nourish skin and clear breakouts for good.

This powerful soap-free acne cleanser combines 10% Benzoyl Peroxide with ultra-soothing Aloe Vera. This dual purpose formulation maintains skin’s optimal pH balance while deeply soothing acne-prone skin.

Available in clinic.


Call us 808-339-3595 to schedule your appointment or simply click on the button below for our online scheduling system:

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