5 Benefits of Weekly Vitamin Shots
/Vitamin shots deliver a boost of mcuh needed nutrients to the body
Looking good is all about feeling good first. Achieving peak health relies on a number of factors like exercise, food and water, and getting enough sleep. Feeling our best requires a steady intake of healthy vitamins and nutrients.
A fantastic way to make sure your body is getting these much needed nutrients is with weekly vitamin shots.
Dr. Shellie Norman at Koru Medical Spa believes that true beauty starts from within, that’s why she promotes feeling your best in order to look your best. We offer a variety of vitamin shots to help you achieve optimal wellness.
Here are 5 benefits of weekly vitamin shots:
#1. Increased Energy
Our vitamin shots focus on replenishing your supply of nourishing B vitamins which help convert nutrients into energy.
Our B12 shot and our Fat Burner, which is packed with a mixture of powerful B vitamins like Riboflavin, Thiamin, Pyridoxine, along with B12, help the body turn carbs and fats into much needed energy.
#2. Less Stress & Improved Mood
Thanks to all of those B vitamins, with an increase of energy also comes a decrease of stress and improved mood. B Vitamins are vital cofactors in the synthesis of mood regulating neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine.
Without these cofactors we can not have normal processing of these chemical messengers which is vital for emotional well being.
#3. Immune System Support
B Vitamins like Pyridoxine, Thiamine and Riboflavin are also essential for a healthy immune system.
These B vitamins help to boost the body's defense system and keep energy levels up which aids in fighting off infection early on. B Vitamins also promote red blood cell production aiding in a healthier immune system.
#4. Jumpstart Metabolism
At Koru, our Fat Burner Shot contains B Vitamins as well as Methionine, Inositol, Choline, and Carnitine which all aid in improving fat metabolism and converting these fats into energy.
Without ideal levels of these nutrients in your body, it is difficult to turn fat into fuel.
#5. Weight Loss
Not only is metabolism jumpstarted, but the Fat Burner formula is also formulated to reduce appetite, build lean muscle and help break down sugars and carbohydrates to convert fat to energy.
With a balanced lifestyle, healthy nutrition and active daily movement a series of Fat Burner Vitamin Shots can help you jumpstart your health goals.
Kickstart your health and wellness with weekly Vitamin Shots at Koru Medical Spa.
At Koru Medical Spa, we offer both Vitamin B12 shots and Fat Burner shots to help boost your body into optimal wellness. We believe that true beauty starts from within. We want to take you beyond surface-deep by addressing what’s going on inside of the body as well as the outside. We are committed to helping you feel beautiful from the inside-out by reaching your health and beauty goals, may it be weight loss, nutritional boosts, or healing the skin from within.
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