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Day 24: Seeing the Light in Dark Times

Day 24: Seeing the Light in Dark Times

With two more weeks of quarantine left in Hawaii, it can sometimes be hard to stay upbeat and positive. Sometimes I feel strong, peaceful, content, and optimistic about the future and other times I feel sad about two more weeks of isolation. 

Yesterday was my birthday. Because I am single and my children are out of the house, I woke up thinking my birthday was going to be a lonely one.

I let my thinking get the best of me for a while and started feeling sad and became tearful. Then I took my own advice - I seized my thoughts and feelings, acknowledged them, told myself it was okay to feel sad and started thanking God for my home, my faithful fur babies, and the beauty of where I live. 

My attitude towards my situation began to improve immediately and so did my day! 

Thankfulness and gratitude turned my day around, not only within me but even externally.

Friends started calling, my children FaceTimed me, my aunt brought me an amazing flower arrangement and delicious cookies, my neighbors all came outside their doors and sang Happy Birthday, and a couple of friends bought me beautiful gifts and flowers. 

If you are feeling sad about being in quarantine for over 3 weeks..

(what day is it again?;P!!@) with 2 more weeks to go, I have listed just a few positive things that have happened during Covid-19 (and there are so much more) so we can focus on these things and be thankful for the good that is yet to come:

  • The extraordinary shock(s) to our system that the coronavirus pandemic is bringing has the potential to break America out of the 50-plus year pattern of escalating political and cultural polarization we have been trapped in, and help us to change course toward greater national solidarity and functionality. 

  • Scientist have shown that oceans can be restored to their former glory within 30 years

  • With India in lockdown, endangered turtles are on course to lay sixty million eggs this year

  • The first koalas were released back into the wild after the Australian bushfires

  • A new blood test was released that could detect cancer before symptoms even show

  • Researchers created a mutant bacterial enzyme that can break down plastic bottles in only a couple of hours

  • Chicago Animal Care and Control runs out of adoptable dogs for the first time ever amid coronavirus pandemic, and lots of other animal shelters across the country

  • A 99-year-old army veteran in England has raised 9 million pounds ($11.26 million US dollars) for the NHS Charities by walking 100s of lengths of his garden

  • The Austin Independent School District has transformed 110 school buses into wifi hotspots for students without internet access

  • China has seen a notable uptick in air quality, and now has blue skies

  • The once bustling canals of Venice are no longer murky but clear, blue and full of wildlife

It can be hard to look at the positive aspects of life when life is so uncertain. but during times like this is when we need to the most. There is so much in life to be grateful for. 

We live in a beautiful world full of wonderful things. 

Today's Challenge:

1. Take the time today to think of all the positive things this time in lockdown has given to you. They don't have to be big, it could even be having the time to finish that Netflix series you have been trying to finish for the last six months. Little blessings add up to big blessings. 

2. Also, look back to your original intentions for these 37 days. Remind yourself of what you wanted to do during this time and what your initial goals were.

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