Koru Medical Spa

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Day 6: Taking Care of Your Body

Today I am thankful for the time to exercise and spend time with God every morning.

What is your morning routine?

Hopefully you are enjoying your Miracle Mornings  - waking up at 5 AM, mediating, writing in your gratitude journals, connecting with Your Higher Power in prayer, and reading things that will build you up as an individual (See Step #1 in our first Blog located at KoruMedicalSpa.com). Your inner spiritual beauty is beginning to shine brighter!

Now that you have started developing the habit of getting up early, you have more time to start an exercise routine. If you are anything like me, if I don’t exercise in the morning my day gets so hectic it is hard to fit exercise in the afternoon or evening or I am often too tired after a long day at work.

Understanding the Benefits of Exercise

As I am sure you have heard many times before, there are many benefits to exercise. Exercise is not only beneficial for our bodies – keeping them slim, toned, improving our cardiovascular health and reducing cancer; it is also incredibly great for our emotional health by reducing stress and is one of the best beauty treatments there is! Exercise is one of the best ways to reduce inflammation and as we all have heard over the last couple years, inflammation is at the root of most of our issues.

If you want less acne, exercise. If you want less wrinkles from stress, exercise. If you want better blood flow to your skin, exercise!

What can you do for exercise?

Resistance training has been shown to reduce systemic inflammation, yoga is excellent at reducing stress and anxiety and may reduce inflammation, and moderate cardio workouts such as walking, jogging, hiking and swimming as we all know are great ways to fight inflammation. You can’t see inflammation, but it may slowly damaging your body over the long-term and it is definitely not making you more beautiful inside and out!

1.      https://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/acne/features/exercise#1

2.      https://www.livescience.com/59988-exercise-fights-inflammation.html


Step # 7 on our journey down the path to a never before experienced beauty

I challenge you to 32 days of exercise! There are no limits or intensity requirements, choose whatever type of workouts you would like to do, just make sure you:


I am not talking about a weight loss program; I am talking about exercise as a step down the path to becoming more beautiful inside and out.

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